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 As a woman, you have a self respect to attain, contain, and maintain.
WHY on earth should u beat up or confront a girl because of a man, we should be more like families, you do not see a tiger fighting another tiger over a zebra, they join forces.
     My first boyfriend broke my heart and i was devastated, depressed and all, yes i wanted to kill him and i meant it, but, on the other hand my self respect was on the line and i had to be strong, when he had a new girl, i wanted to drown them both in acid but like i said, my self respect was astake so i held myself and kept on praying and with the help of my darling and sweet cousin i was getting better, it's been two years now and i am as strong as ever, i didn't go harassing the girl, a point came when we spoke which was not arranged but we did for some reason and it was cool and gradually things became better and i was free.
     Look, it was not easy for me at all but one special thing that helped was the bible, someone led me to PROVERBS 31 and that was where i started having inner strength, that passage defines a real woman and calls her THE VIRTUOUS WOMAN it explains everything, it's deeper than you think .for those that have come acrossed it, the area that struck me was verse 25 '' she is clothed with strength and dignity'' as a woman this statement has to be your guide.
    Now, no matter what happens, raise your shoulders high with pride, don't let a man step on you, don't fight another woman over a man, respect your man if you got one but don't let him pass his boundaries but treat him right.
   Another way of loosing your respect is demanding what your father cannot give you on a normal day or what you cannot even offer or provide for yourself, allow your man to take care of you, not you deciding what he should do all the time, if you please your man like a virtuous woman or lady he will spoil u PROVERBS 31 vs 28 '' her husband praises her'' this can be done in so many ways, unless you do not have a good man because we have got some boys in men's clothing.
  In summary, learn to respect yourself as a lady, BE GOD FEARING, treat others as you will treat yourself, place such a disrespectful man in his rightful place. This is not war against men and women, this is reminder of how ladies or women should be. 
                                                     THANK YOU..


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