Growing up was normal, good and Godly parents, nice neighborhood, she was just having a normal childhood but things started changing, as early as in her primary one when her parents stopped having time for her and leaving her in the hands of useless maids, yes maids because were always sacking one after the other due to one thing or the other. Ok now, here is her story, in primary one, at a particular period, she carried her hair for two weeks which is unusual and within those two weeks,during the course of carrying the hair, she was at the assembly ground and they usually call out pupils with rough hairdos, unfortunately for her she was being called out for her rough hair in front of the crowd, the stupid teachers then told everyone to laugh at her and they did...that was the beginning of a little girl's low self esteem, she cried all through that day and no one cared... imagine, this happened in primary one, another again in this same class, she was given an assignmen...